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08 July 2012

Century Renaissance

Renaissance era is born-again period (Renaissance, language, French ) cultural Greek -Roman in Europe in the 15th century and the 16 M. [1] [2]
After experiencing the traditional culture that is fully colored by Christian teachings. [1] However, these people are now looking for a new orientation and inspiration as an alternative to the Greco-Roman culture as the only other culture that they know well. [1] Culture classical This is also adored and used models and policies for the whole of human civilization. [1] [3]

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edit ]Background

Yunanni-Roman culture is a culture that places man as the main subject. [1] [4] Greek philosophy , for example, show human beings as creatures who reflect continuously understand its natural environment and also determine the principles for their own actions in order to achieve happiness ( eudaimonia ). [1] [5]Kesustraan Greece, for example the story of his work Odisei Ancient Greek poet, Homerus , tells the story of human courage to explore a world filled with challenges and new experiences. [1] Greco-Roman-style architecture reflects the human ability to create harmony of the rule of law, strength, and beauty. [1] [6]
In addition, the ability of the Roman people in the area of technique and ability to organize quickly get acungan thumbs. [1] All this clearly shows that the Greco-Roman culture provides the principal place of humans in the cosmos. [1] A common view is called the '' Classical Humanism '' . [1]

edit ]Classical Humanism

Culture Raissans intended to revive Classical Humanism that could be hung up by some prominent style of medieval thought. [1] This has to do with the case described earlier. [1] In comparison with the Classical period is more emphasized as a part of human nature or the police (countries, cities or Ancient Greek society). [1] Humanism Renaissans far more known for its emphasis on individualism. [1]Individualism is regarded that man as a personal need to be observed. [1] We're not only human beings, but we also are unique individuals who are free to do something and profess certain beliefs. [1]
Own human dignity lies in his freedom to self-determination and in its position as the ruler of the universe (Pico Della Mirandola) . [1] The idea is the attitude of worship provoke limited action on the intelligence and ability of individuals in all cases. [1] picture of people in here is the desired human Renaissans Humanism is a human universal (Uomo Universale) . [1]

edit ]List of major at the time of the Renaissance

Here is a list of Renaissance figures: [7] [8]
Arts and culture
  • Dührer Albrecht (1471-1528)
  • Desiserius Eramus (1466-1536)
  • Donatello
  • Ghirlandaio
  • Hans Holbein (1465-1506)
  • Hans Memling (1430-1495)
  • Hieronymus Bosch (1450-1516)
  • Josquin de Pres (1445-1521)
  • Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)
  • Lucas Cranach (1472-1553)
  • Michaelangelo (1475-1564)
  • Perugino (1446-1526)
  • Raphael (1483-1520)
  • Sandro Botticelli (1444-1510)
  • Tiziano Vecelli (1477-1526)
  • Christopher Columbus (1451-1506)
  • Ferdinand Magellan (1480? -1521)
  • Johann Gutenberg (1400-1468)
  • Nicolaus Copernicus (1478-1543)
  • Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564)
  • William Gilbert (1540-1603)
  • Galileo Galilei (1546-1642)
  • Johannes Kepler (1571-1642)

edit ]References

  1. t .2004 LT Simon Peter. Adventures Intelektual.Yogyakarta.Kanisius.176-180.
  2. ^ Hale, John. The Civilization of Europe in the Renaissance. (1994). 648.
  3. ^ Campbell, Gordon. The Oxford Dictionary of the Renaissance. (2003). 862.
  4. ^ Book: Robert Audi.1995.The Cambridge University Press Dictionary Of Philosophy.Cambridge: United Kingdom.580-617
  5. ^ Fletcher, Stella. The Longman Companion to Renaissance Europe, 1390-1530. (2000). 347.
  6. ^ Grendler, Paul F., ed. The Renaissance: An Encyclopedia for Students. (2003). 970.
  7. ^ Hay, Denys. The Significance of Renaissance Europe in The Age of Renaissance. Edited by Denys Hay. Thames and Hudson Ltd.London: 1986.
  8. ^ Grendler, Paul F. "The Future of Sixteenth Century Studies: Renaissance and Reformation Scholarship in the Next Forty Years," Sixteenth Century Journal Spring 2009, Vol. 40 Issue 1, 182.

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