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13 September 2012

kangeaan island

The story tells the origin of this island when the tide is low will be seen from far away, whereas if the high tides, it will be submerged under water, it pilau Because of its Kangean island was named after the original words of Madura "Ka-aengan" which means submerged in water.
By the kings of the Sumenep in ancient times, the island is a place of people who get severe punishment due to large errors.
In connection with the income derived from the sea (fish, roots bahar, various rocks), and forest products and agricultural products (rice, fields), the island became a center of trade in the sea, so many people and places of Sumenep another (even from the islands of Kalimantan and Sulawesi) want to move and settle down in Kangean island.
Therefore it can be said Kangean island archipelago is relatively new, so people do not know the Hindu religion as the religion professed by the locals is the religion of Islam.
When the Dutch Compagnie era, these islands can not get the attention of the government. In 1763 AD came the Dutch envoy Compagnie reviewing Kangean and islands. Then in 1798 AD also came from Compagnie Dutch observers in connection with the riots in Kangean caused severe famine that killed between classes of government by the people.
In Kangean there is a cave named "Cave of the Yellow". Many people who thought that the cave was a place bertapanya yellow Yellow Princess (mother Jokotole), but it is not the place cave hermitage as a place pertaannya Yellow Princess Princess is in the Mountain Yellow Geger Bangkalan.
Pualau disebuah small island located to the west there is a grave Kangean sacred by Kangean island and its surroundings. The island called Pulau Mamburit and sacred tombs called "Bhuju 'Mamburit".
The story goes that Kangean, the cemetery is the head of a famous Sajid as Muslim missionaries who were stranded by the sea while the body is unknown .At a time when the administration of the Netherlands before the Japanese, which includes the island Sapekan Kangean is the largest producer of fish pindang when compared with other regions on the island of Madura. While the results from this island are copra and timber, firewood and charcoal.
If there are people before the time of the Japanese mention "Boschwezen" it actually means "Mine Kangean" because Kangean is the only place that produces "Boschwezen" throughout kep [ulauan Madura that his government's Balanda crowded as it was moving people from other areas such as Karachi and Lamongan to be employed in the base "Boschwezen" called the "Tambajangan". And at that time there were licensing (Consessie) to a named Formosa Ting Tian Khan to establish the largest manufacturer of charcoal throughout the reserve.


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