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28 November 2012

Recipe AND HOW TO MAKE almond pastries

Almond cookie recipe ingredients:
200 g butter
100 grams of refined sugar
1 egg
20 gr cocoa powder
250 grams of wheat flour
75 g almonds crushed
100 grams of refined sugar

How to Make Dry Almond Cake:
Beat butter and sugar until smooth
Put egg whisk again until well blended
add flour and cocoa powder as she sifted and stirred
Gently stir powdered almonds input
Syringe on a baking sheet that has been smeared with margarine syringe Star
Oven with a temperature of 140 degrees Celsius for 35 minutes
then sprinkle powder sugar lift before presenting

To 400 gr

Tip If you want more intense cocoa powder plus 10 grams but can reduce consumption to 240 grams of flour


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