29 August 2012

ways of processing copper

Copper is a metal that is relatively non-reactive and sometimes found in naturein a free state. Cu ore forming compound oxides, sulfides and carbonates.Ore is found as: copper pyrite (CuFeS2), Cu galena (Cu2S), kuprit (Cu2O), Malasit [Cu (OH) 2.CuCO3], and azurit [Cu (OH) 2.2CuCO3].Copper-iron sulfide ore (CuFeS2) is the most widely in nature which ismixture of iron sulfide and copper sulfide.
Cu extraction of pyriteCopper mineral ore concentrated by splitting into smaller particles.Froth flotation techniques used by adding pine oil intotank filled with ore powder and water. The mixture was stirred withskip pressurized air. Sulfide particle surface appears to froth.Sand, clay and other nuisance particles separated from the bottom of the tank.Furthermore, the ore is heated combusted with air enough so that a separate waterand pure metal oxide behind. Metal oxide is then reduced byheating but without the presence of air.The above process is called Basemerisasi of Cu. Cu were obtained in the formmelt. Sulpur oxide is bubbled through the molten Cu and blisters on the surfaceand it remains as an impurity in Cu ekstarksi. So the Cu needsfurther purified by electrolysis.In the electrolysis tank cupric sulfate solution is acidified (dilute H2SO4 +) formelectrolit solution. Cu bars that are not purely used as the anode withconnecting to terminal (+) of the battery. A thin layer of pure copper metalplaced as the cathode cell. Terminal (-) connected to the cathode. Electric currentin low numbers flowed through the cell. Atoms Cu from the anode into theelectrolyte. Copper from the anode turned into copper sulfide. A number of Cu atomsThe same of the solution deposited on the cathode. It is going to keep the concentrationelectrolyte solution remains. Impurities of the anode rod left in solution orcollected at the bottom of the anode. Insoluble impurities in the electrolyte and is calledanode mud. Pure copper is separated from the cathode. Anode to be thin aselectrolysis process results.
Physical Properties CopperCu metal reddish brown. The surfaces appear dull becauseformation of an oxide layer. Its density is 8.94 gm / cc. Tutik melting1083 ° C. Cu malleable and as a conductor of heat and electricity.


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